Today we’d like to introduce you to Lisa Welsh.

Hi Lisa, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers.

To answer your question, I must start by saying that my initial entry into the microgreens farming industry was not by choice, but by circumstance. As a sales manager for a manufacturing facility that was sold to an investment firm, my position became redundant, and I found myself seeking a new venture. With a desire to become my own boss and make a meaningful impact, my stepson and husband introduced the concept of microgreens farming.

Despite being known for killing every plant I tried to grow, I embraced the challenge, leveraging my MBA and ADHD to approach the business with fresh perspectives and innovative ideas. While ADHD has its shortcomings, in the business world, it encourages one to think outside the box and approach ideas with creativity, leading to unique solutions and exciting prospects.

Our journey began by converting our laundry room into a grow room and selling our microgreens at local farmer’s markets. Since then, we have expanded our operations significantly, with a grow room that is 15 times the size of our original laundry room and an outdoor nursery. We continue to evolve and thrive, always seeking new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?

Our journey has been a thrilling and exhilarating ride. I still remember when I first started, lacking the confidence and knowledge to grow anything. However, fast forward to today, and we can proudly say that we grow 86 different varieties of vegetables in just a few years!

Despite the challenges that we faced when our business launched just six months before the pandemic hit, we managed to find innovative solutions to adapt our products to the changing circumstances. We have excelled not only during Covid but also through any other hurdles we faced along the way.

Our ability to modify our line, cater to different niches, and adapt to changing times has kept us going and growing stronger with each passing day. We are hopeful, promising, energetic, and excited for the next big thing. We believe that our journey has only just begun, and we are looking forward to taking on new challenges, exploring new opportunities, and continuing to thrive in the years to come.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?

Vitality Farms Company prides itself on being different from everyone else in the microgreen industry. We don’t view our competitors as enemies, but rather as allies in our mission to promote sustainable growing practices and help people feel confident enough to grow their own food. That’s why I started the International microgreen growers association of Florida nonprofit organization to support other growers and offer free classes to customers, to promote products. 

But we don’t just stop at education and support. We also offer tons of research and documentation about the nutritional quantity and quality of microgreens, so you can feel confident that you’re making a healthy choice. And we’ve taken it a step further by developing our own micro powders and blends, which are unlike anything else on the market. We’ve done extensive testing to make sure our powders and blends make microgreens four times more nutrient-dense, so you can get the most nutrition possible from your food.

We’ve even worked with several grants and organizations to create a freeze-dried product that is 100% pure microgreens, something that no one else in the industry offers. And for those who may not be as into the nutritional benefits, we’ve created blends that are still packed with nutrition from the Brassica family but taste delicious and can be used like a common seasoning.

So if you’re ready to take your meals to the next level and make sure you’re getting the most nutrition from your food, try our microgreen powders and blends today. And don’t forget, we’re always here to offer support and answer any questions you may have.

Can you talk to us a bit about happiness and what makes you happy?

Happiness is a choice, and for me, nothing beats the feeling of seeing someone discover the joy and benefits of microgreens. Whether they’re growing their own microgreens or using our microgreen powders, it’s amazing to hear how it’s positively impacting their health and well-being.

There’s no greater reward than knowing that I’ve been a part of someone’s personal development and journey toward better health. It’s so much more fulfilling than just selling random products to people who don’t really need them.

So, if you’re looking for a way to add some happiness to your life, try incorporating microgreens into your routine! Trust me, it’s worth it.

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