Tales of the

Microgreen Farmers


IMGA Florida Congratulationsour dedication to sustainable agriculture and commitment to cultivating microgreens have earned you a well-deserved place among industry professionals dedicated to excellence.Becoming a member of IMGA signifies more than just a title; it...

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Microgreen History
Microgreen History

Microgreens have taken the culinary world by storm, captivating chefs and health enthusiasts with their vibrant colors, delicate flavors, and impressive nutritional profiles. But did you know that microgreens have a fascinating history that dates back longer than most realize?

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Voyage Interview with Director  Lisa Welsh
Voyage Interview with Director Lisa Welsh

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lisa Welsh. Hi Lisa, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers. To answer your question, I must start...

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Turning a Homestead to Income
Turning a Homestead to Income

Practical Strategies for Turning Your Homesteading Into a Business If you live off the land in some capacity, you’re a homesteader. You also understand how much work it takes to run your hobby farm, especially if it’s not a full-time gig. But you also know how much...

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